terminate probation

Top 5 Tips to Get Off Probation Early

probationI receive many calls from clients asking when and how they can get off of probation early. There are many factors that will determine when and if you will be able to get off of probation early, however the following tips will help you plan for your best chances.

1.  Do not violate ANY terms of your probation.

If you have violated any terms of your probation you are probably not the best candidate to get off probation early. From the very beginning, follow your probation terms EXACTLY as the judge and your probation ordered. This will show the judge later that you can be compliant, follow rules, and are well suited to be unsupervised.

2.  Pay off all court fines and costs.

If your court fines, costs, restitution, or probation fees are not paid off in full, the judge will not let you off of probation. Check with your probation officer or the court to find out your balance. Keep all receipts to prove your payments.

3.  Don’t ask too early.

The general rule I tell my clients is the earliest time to file a request to get off probation should be after you completed at least 50% of your probation term. For example, if you were ordered to a 1-year probation, you should wait until at least the 6-month mark.

4.  Be prepared to answer questions from the judge.

At your hearing the judge will likely ask you questions about your probation term and your life. Be prepared to explain what you learned from being on probation and why you will never be in trouble again. Be prepared to tell the judge about the class or community service you completed, where you are employed or going to school. The judge will want to be reassured that you are rehabilitated and will not commit any future crimes if he lets you out early.

5.  Talk to an attorney.

Your best chances of getting of probation early is to talk to a criminal defense attorney and have them help you file a motion to terminate probation. An attorney should be familiar with your court and judge and can help prepare you for what the judge may do. The attorney will also file a formal motion on your behalf and include documents and evidence to help support your case. The attorney may also be able to speak with your probation agent and convince them to write a favorable report on your behalf.

Additional Information

Keep in mind that whether or not a judge will let you off probation early is completely up to the judge. Each court has different policies and procedures that they may follow. As previously stated, an attorney can help you through these obstacles. Give my office a call for a free consultation.  Good luck!